posibilidades interaccion stage con movimiento personage.con mugen normal,es posible parece.
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posibilidades interaccion stage con movimiento personage.con mugen normal,es posible parece.
me acabo de bajar una stage normal de naruto(el puente no se que).es bonita,pero al fijarme bien me e dado cuenta que los personajes que están en el agua suben y bajan de altura al igual que el nivel del agua.me e quedado extrañado ya que pensaba que las stages no influían en movilidad animada de los personajes (no al menos las normales),y esta lo es(no como otras que son con un mugen especial).la cosa esque cuando sube el nivel del agua el personaje también sube y cuando baja también bajan los dos.me a dado muy buenas ideas ya que si es asi se podrían hacer stages(aun no lo se bien),donde por ejemplo de primeras esten en por ejemplo unas columnas y estas al rato se rompan y caigan al suelo con los personajes.tanto de este serie como de otras,en esta stage el movimiento de subir y bajar es continuo cada 3 segundos.imagino se podrá hacer que por ejemplo a los 60 segundos solo se produzca el movimiento de bajada y asi parezca que caen.de aplicarse a ser posible una buena stage seria la del templo del patriarca(de uc),cuando se esta derrumbando las columnas.si alguien sabe mejor si es posible que lo diga,sino lo mirare con calma,pero creo que si
posdata: no es la cámara lo que sube y baja pues el personaje me e fijado sube también respecto a todo el escenario)
dejo link stage animada:(link in description)
por ejemplo tengo esta stage que seria perfecta para lo que comento.simplemente se basaría en ponerle una tabla de punta a punta por la mitad,y que los personajes lucharan encima.al rato ardiera esta y calleran al suelo .se basaría en la animación del agua pero con mucho mas tiempo y altura de moviento.enmede cada 3 segundos suben y bajan,seria a los 60 segundos solo bajaran y ya esta(la subida se pondría a la media hora,aunque no creo nadie llegue hay)voy a probar
es extraños,cual de estos comandos de la stage del puente es el que hace que los chars se muevan arriba y abajo?.solo veo los de la stage.se supone deben de estar aquí,no?
name = "Puente Kannabi"
displayname = "Puente Kannabi"
versiondate = 19,05,2018
mugenversion = 1.1
author = "Sektor"
;Camera starting position: Usually 0 for both
startx = 13
starty = 33
boundleft = -700
boundright = 700
boundhigh = -450
boundlow = 0
verticalfollow = 2.85
floortension = 200
tension = 200
overdrawhigh = 120
overdrawlow = 120
cuthigh = 0
cutlow = 0
zoomout = 0.5
zoomin = 0.9
;--- Player 1 ---
;Player 1 starting coordinates.
p1startx = -680
p1starty = 110
p1facing = 1
;--- Player 2 ---
p2startx = 280
p2starty = 0
p2facing = -1
;--- Player 3 ---
p3startx = -400
p3starty = 0
p3facing = 1
;--- Player 4 ---
p4startx = 400
p4starty = 0
p4facing = -1
;--- Common ---
leftbound = -4000
rightbound = 4000
screenleft = 60
screenright = 60
zoffset = 350
zoffsetlink = 30
autoturn = 1
resetBG = 1
localcoord = 1280, 720
xscale = 1
yscale = 1
intensity = 0
color = 0,0,0
yscale = .3
fade.range = 0,0
intensity = 60
bgmusic = Sound/Puente Kannabi.mp3
bgmvolume = 100
spr = Puente Kannabi.sff
debugbg = 0
[BG SKY] ;Cielo
type = Normal
spriteno = 2,20
start = 0,-100
delta = 1,1
Layerno = 0
Tile = 1,0
mask = 1
;TileSpacing = 5538,0
Velocity = 1,0
[BG 0 BackGround II] ;arbustos
type = normal
spriteno = 2, 40
layerno = 0
start = 0, -100
delta = .75, .75
trans = none
mask = 1
tilespacing = 0,0
[BG Water] ; Agua
type = anim
actionno = 3
start = 0,350
delta = .9,.9
Layerno = 0
Tile = 1,0
mask = 1
TileSpacing = 3400,0
sin.y = -10, 200
id = 30
positionlink = 1
; Water // Agua
[Begin Action 3]
3,0, 0,0, 8
3,1, 0,0, 8
3,2, 0,0, 8
3,3, 0,0, 8
3,4, 0,0, 8
3,3, 0,0, 8
3,2, 0,0, 8
3,1, 0,0, 8
[BG 0 BackGround] ;fondo
type = normal
spriteno = 2, 10
layerno = 0
start = 0, -100
delta = .75, .75
trans = none
mask = 1
tilespacing = 0,0
[BG I]
type = Normal
spriteno = 2,0
start = 0,-100
delta = .9,.9
Layerno = 0
mask = 1
zoomdelta = .9
[BG Sun] ;Sol
type = Normal
spriteno = 2,30
start = 0,0
delta = 1,1
Layerno = 0
mask = 1
Tile = 0,0
trans = addalpha
alpha = 100,256
[BG L] ;Resplandor
type = Normal
spriteno = 2,50
start = 0,0
delta = 1,1
Layerno = 1
mask = 1
Tile = 0,0
trans = add
posdata: no es la cámara lo que sube y baja pues el personaje me e fijado sube también respecto a todo el escenario)
dejo link stage animada:(link in description)
por ejemplo tengo esta stage que seria perfecta para lo que comento.simplemente se basaría en ponerle una tabla de punta a punta por la mitad,y que los personajes lucharan encima.al rato ardiera esta y calleran al suelo .se basaría en la animación del agua pero con mucho mas tiempo y altura de moviento.enmede cada 3 segundos suben y bajan,seria a los 60 segundos solo bajaran y ya esta(la subida se pondría a la media hora,aunque no creo nadie llegue hay)voy a probar
es extraños,cual de estos comandos de la stage del puente es el que hace que los chars se muevan arriba y abajo?.solo veo los de la stage.se supone deben de estar aquí,no?
name = "Puente Kannabi"
displayname = "Puente Kannabi"
versiondate = 19,05,2018
mugenversion = 1.1
author = "Sektor"
;Camera starting position: Usually 0 for both
startx = 13
starty = 33
boundleft = -700
boundright = 700
boundhigh = -450
boundlow = 0
verticalfollow = 2.85
floortension = 200
tension = 200
overdrawhigh = 120
overdrawlow = 120
cuthigh = 0
cutlow = 0
zoomout = 0.5
zoomin = 0.9
;--- Player 1 ---
;Player 1 starting coordinates.
p1startx = -680
p1starty = 110
p1facing = 1
;--- Player 2 ---
p2startx = 280
p2starty = 0
p2facing = -1
;--- Player 3 ---
p3startx = -400
p3starty = 0
p3facing = 1
;--- Player 4 ---
p4startx = 400
p4starty = 0
p4facing = -1
;--- Common ---
leftbound = -4000
rightbound = 4000
screenleft = 60
screenright = 60
zoffset = 350
zoffsetlink = 30
autoturn = 1
resetBG = 1
localcoord = 1280, 720
xscale = 1
yscale = 1
intensity = 0
color = 0,0,0
yscale = .3
fade.range = 0,0
intensity = 60
bgmusic = Sound/Puente Kannabi.mp3
bgmvolume = 100
spr = Puente Kannabi.sff
debugbg = 0
[BG SKY] ;Cielo
type = Normal
spriteno = 2,20
start = 0,-100
delta = 1,1
Layerno = 0
Tile = 1,0
mask = 1
;TileSpacing = 5538,0
Velocity = 1,0
[BG 0 BackGround II] ;arbustos
type = normal
spriteno = 2, 40
layerno = 0
start = 0, -100
delta = .75, .75
trans = none
mask = 1
tilespacing = 0,0
[BG Water] ; Agua
type = anim
actionno = 3
start = 0,350
delta = .9,.9
Layerno = 0
Tile = 1,0
mask = 1
TileSpacing = 3400,0
sin.y = -10, 200
id = 30
positionlink = 1
; Water // Agua
[Begin Action 3]
3,0, 0,0, 8
3,1, 0,0, 8
3,2, 0,0, 8
3,3, 0,0, 8
3,4, 0,0, 8
3,3, 0,0, 8
3,2, 0,0, 8
3,1, 0,0, 8
[BG 0 BackGround] ;fondo
type = normal
spriteno = 2, 10
layerno = 0
start = 0, -100
delta = .75, .75
trans = none
mask = 1
tilespacing = 0,0
[BG I]
type = Normal
spriteno = 2,0
start = 0,-100
delta = .9,.9
Layerno = 0
mask = 1
zoomdelta = .9
[BG Sun] ;Sol
type = Normal
spriteno = 2,30
start = 0,0
delta = 1,1
Layerno = 0
mask = 1
Tile = 0,0
trans = addalpha
alpha = 100,256
[BG L] ;Resplandor
type = Normal
spriteno = 2,50
start = 0,0
delta = 1,1
Layerno = 1
mask = 1
Tile = 0,0
trans = add
oscartsg1- 5 ESTRELLAS
- Country :
Mensajes/ Messages : 971
Fecha de inscripción/Registration date : 2015-05-30
Localización : españa
Re: posibilidades interaccion stage con movimiento personage.con mugen normal,es posible parece.
The only time I noticed this was in programming of electro, where chars are interactive with the stage. However, in his programming, there are codes that must be entered in the mugen source code (common1.cns), the stage itself and char. It would be ideal if you had isolated files that you embed as a template, but programming things new in mugen is not so simple. If there are no commands in the original code, unfortunately we have to detail each line.
However, I will try this stage and see if there is anything different, because you never know if we can find anything new.
However, I will try this stage and see if there is anything different, because you never know if we can find anything new.
- Country :
Zodiaco :
Mensajes/ Messages : 1517
Fecha de inscripción/Registration date : 2015-01-29
Re: posibilidades interaccion stage con movimiento personage.con mugen normal,es posible parece.
here you see that it's into programming on stage alone
If anyone knew how to modify these parameters, a stage could be created in the way that, it's fine because you don't have to play on the programcaion mugen, only on the stage.
to see if anyone can put it, with a single modified stage you could create many more just by modifying the sprites.
and tried to climb the high characters on stage, but loses movement
If anyone knew how to modify these parameters, a stage could be created in the way that, it's fine because you don't have to play on the programcaion mugen, only on the stage.
to see if anyone can put it, with a single modified stage you could create many more just by modifying the sprites.
and tried to climb the high characters on stage, but loses movement
oscartsg1- 5 ESTRELLAS
- Country :
Mensajes/ Messages : 971
Fecha de inscripción/Registration date : 2015-05-30
Localización : españa
Re: posibilidades interaccion stage con movimiento personage.con mugen normal,es posible parece.
Interesting. It seems simpler than that of the electro. I will try when I get rid of the projects I currently have.
- Country :
Zodiaco :
Mensajes/ Messages : 1517
Fecha de inscripción/Registration date : 2015-01-29
Re: posibilidades interaccion stage con movimiento personage.con mugen normal,es posible parece.
please.thanks.only need this stage for can créate multiples
oscartsg1- 5 ESTRELLAS
- Country :
Mensajes/ Messages : 971
Fecha de inscripción/Registration date : 2015-05-30
Localización : españa
Re: posibilidades interaccion stage con movimiento personage.con mugen normal,es posible parece.
oscartsg1 wrote:here you see that it's into programming on stage alone
If anyone knew how to modify these parameters, a stage could be created in the way that, it's fine because you don't have to play on the programcaion mugen, only on the stage.
to see if anyone can put it, with a single modified stage you could create many more just by modifying the sprites.
and tried to climb the high characters on stage, but loses movement
Sorry, I take a long time to give a conclusive answer, but I don't have much free time and what I have distributed in some activities I enjoy. Mugen is one of them and I have been supporting two projects on the engine currently and would not try to deal with it early. I saved the stage and left it on the computer.
However, today I got tired of programming animation frames and decided to test this stage. And as I imagined, I think you're wrong. Unfortunately, friend Oscar, the water effects that come from recovering from a fall have not appeared in the standard elecbyte mugen. 1.1.
Which leads me to believe that the place where you took this scenario comes from a game where I could confirm. Probably with 99% certainty, the source code (Common1.cns) in the data folder has changed, just as some extra code has been added to the char. (The 1% missing was the lack of patience to download the game which is over 3GB.)
I also noticed some unusual stage codes. What makes me believe programming for interactivity is similar or the same as friend Electro taught a few years ago.
I think you succeed by watching the series of tutorials he has done. I still have the interest of doing something similar in my mugen. But, supporting the programming of 2 different chars these days, this is a distant idea for me now.
I will leave the electro page below and wish you luck in your studies.
Desculpe, demorar em dar uma resposta conclusiva, mas não tenho muito tempo livre e o que tenho distribuo em algumas atividades que gosto. O mugen é uma delas e tenho auxiliado dois projetos na engine atualmente e não iria tentar mexer nisso cedo. Salvei o stage e deixei ele no computador.
Contudo, hoje fiquei cansado de programar quadros de animações e resolvi testar este stage. E como eu imaginava, creio que você está equivocado. Infelizmente, amigo Oscar, os efeitos d'água que surgem ao char se recuperar de uma queda não apareceram no mugen padrão da elecbyte. 1.1.
O que me leva a crer que o local onde você tirou esse cenário, vem de um jogo, onde pude confirmar. Provavelmente com 99% de certeza, o código-fonte (Common1.cns) na pasta data foi alterado, assim como alguns códigos extras foram adicionados nos char. ( O 1 % que falta foi falta de paciência de baixar o jogo que são mais de 3GB.)
Eu observei também, uns códigos pouco usuais no stage. O que me leva a crer que a programação para a interatividade é semelhante ou a mesma que o amigo Electro ensinou já faz alguns anos.
Creio que você tenha sucesso, ao assistir a série de tutoriais que ele fez. Eu ainda tenho o interesse de fazer algo semelhante em meu mugen. Mas, dando suporte para programar 2 chars diferentes atualmente, isso agora para mim é uma ideia distante.
Vou deixar a página do electro abaixo e desejo sorte a você nos seus estudos.
http://interactivemugen.blogspot.com/ (blog)
Tutorial Electro: http://mugentutorials.blogspot.com/2014/09/stage-tutorials.html
- Country :
Zodiaco :
Mensajes/ Messages : 1517
Fecha de inscripción/Registration date : 2015-01-29
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