Saint Seiya Mugen 2D
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Saint Seiya Death and Rebirth Reborn (with 12 gold saints)

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seiya - Saint Seiya Death and Rebirth Reborn (with 12 gold saints) Empty Saint Seiya Death and Rebirth Reborn (with 12 gold saints)

For some time I was looking for a link to leave open for the whole forum. It is the same version with the twelve golden knights that we had left a link in the previous section. As it fell, it took time to find another available. This time we will leave an active backup.
The design of the LR shura in the game is better than the version found in mugen today. We would like to know where we can find the author and if he wants to adapt to the mugen. If anyone has any information, we would appreciate it.

Greetings and good fun.
Há tempos procurava um link para deixar aberto para todo o fórum. Trata-se da mesma versão com os doze cavaleiros dourados que tínhamos deixado um link na seção anterior. Como ele caiu, demorou para encontrar outro disponível. Desta vez vamos deixar um backup ativo.

O desenho do shura LR no game é melhor do que a versão encontrada no mugen atualmente. Gostaríamos de saber onde podemos encontrar o autor dele e se o mesmo pretende adaptar para o mugen. Se alguém tiver alguma informação, agradeceríamos.

Saudações e bom divertimento.

Country : BRASIL

Zodiaco : Capricornio
Mensajes/ Messages : 1512
Fecha de inscripción/Registration date : 2015-01-29

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Saint Seiya Death and Rebirth Reborn (with 12 gold saints) :: Comments


Post Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:40 am by ACTIVA_GAMES

que bien que pusieron a los de oro, aunque este juego lo encontraba medio bizarro en cuanto a la historia, y enemigos, y stages pero al menos sirve para entretenerse un rato.
aunque son los mismos chars del mugen.

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